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Report Your Child's Absence

Call (414) 389-4757 to report student absences.
You will be prompted to select the building your child is in. Leave a message with your child's name, teacher, and grade, explaining the reason for the absence.


  1. What's for Lunch?

    February Menu

    March Menu

  2. Monday, February 17th

    No Student Attendance

    Teacher Professional Development Day

  3. March 13th - 20th

    Middle School Spring Book Fair

    Time Machine - Reading Can Take You Anywhere!

  4. Thursday, March 20th

    Parent - Teacher Conferences

    No Student Attendance

    • Please see ClassDojo for more information.
  5. March 21st - 28th

    Spring Break

    No School

  6. Monday, March 31st

    School Resumes

Our School

UCC Acosta Middle School is a 6th-8th grade nonprofit technology and skilled-trades focused independent public charter school. The school environment fosters high expectations and strong parental involvement that will lead all students to rigorous high schools, colleges, and careers. UCC Acosta offers several extracurricular partnerships with local organizations and universities to equip students with skills to be competitive in dynamic future job markets.

Learn About Enrollment

Our Staff

UCC Acosta Middle School could not operate without its dedicated, passionate, and hard-working teachers and faculty members! They're the backbone of our schools as well as our communities. To contact your child’s teacher, a staff member, or a member of our administration, you can find their email address in Skyward Family Access.

Staff Directory